Q1. Could you please provide some background on the band for our readers—where you’re from, when you formed, etc.?
About a decade ago, a rock and pop academy near Antwerp (Belgium) launched a band-coaching endeavor with the goal of bringing together four to five musicians united by their love for rock music. Within a year, our band took shape, initially with a completely different lineup, with only founder Eric (rhythm guitar) remaining from those early days. At the start, we delved into rock cover songs, but our band coach soon encouraged us in crafting our own lyrics and melodies. Over the years, amidst changes in band members, and the tumult of events like the pandemic and reboots, the latest version of Shots Fired emerged. This is the climax of what Shots Fired was always meant to sound like! 
After some detours, Jon (guitar) and Eddy (bass) joined the band pretty much during the pandemic. Each with their unique input that lifted the level again. And Nieke has been our frontlady since early 2023. She adds extra colour to that unique Shots Fired sound. Our drummer Eric (yes, another Eric😃 ) also joined us in early 2023 and we have been unstoppable ever since. This is where Shots Fired should always have been.

Q2. What made you want to pursue making music?
The indescribable passion we share for music ignites something magical when we take the stage together. From the very first notes in our new band formation, we felt it. Our energy resonates with audiences, provoking super cool reactions wherever we go. While making music is a personal journey, driven by the need to release the creative energy within, sharing it with an audience elevates it to an incredible passion. Those goosebump-inducing moments when people groove to our sounds, sing along with the lyrics, or approach us afterward to express their gratitude... they're simply heavenly.
Our original frontwoman wrote our debut track "New Life," a song that we still play live to this day. Eric fondly recalls the magical moment when her lyrics seamlessly melded with his music for the first time. This synergy sparked inspiration for further songwriting, leading to the creation of "Dark Road," although in a different style from its current version. Today, our songwriting process is more collaborative, with each member bringing their unique influences, styles, and emphases to the table. While Eric still has a huge part in the lyrical aspect, our creative journey has evolved into a collective endeavor.

Q3. What are some of the influences on Shots Fired’s sound?
Our distinctive sound is a product of our diverse influences in rock music, each member bringing their unique style of playing to gigs and reheasals. When we collaborate on a song, everyone contributes what they feel, and together we refine the sound until each member is satisfied with their contribution. You could say we are a mixture of grunge, rock with some punk spice. Garbage meets Pretty Reckless and Hole. 

Q4. You have some new music—tell us about that!
In January, we unveiled our debut single to the world: "Girl Down". Towards the end of last year, we went into the studio with Frank Rotthier, a seasoned sound engineer well-known in our region. With his expertise, he skillfully captured our distinctive sound and offered invaluable producer insights along the way.
"Girl Down" often kicks off our set, brimming with vibrant energy despite its darker undertones, addressing resilience in the face of adversity. It’s a theme you’ll often find in our songs. The human resilience and skill at crawling out of the deepest valleys by yourself. 
Our next single, "Dark Road", is set to drop on February 14th, followed by "Unbreakable" on March 13th. Please do pre-save them ;-) via 

Q5. You recently played a live set for Radio Benelux—what was that like and how did that come about?
Our close friend, Evy Wilbers, hosts her own program on Radio Benelux called "The Belgian/Dutch Rockumentary," where she exclusively features songs by Belgian and Dutch rock and metal bands. Around six years ago, Evy attended one of our early shows and immediately sensed the potential of Shots Fired. She continued to follow our journey, and last year, she extended an invitation for a live performance and interview on Radio Benelux. Listening to the interview, it's clear that we had an incredible time sharing our story with her audience.

Q6. What would you say is the most challenging part of being in a band and what is the most rewarding?
The greatest challenge lies in crafting songs that set Shots Fired apart from other bands, cultivating our unique style and sound. As we've grown closer as friends, there's nothing more fulfilling than taking the stage together, showcasing our music. The process of writing new material collaboratively and witnessing a song evolve into its final form is an incredibly rewarding experience for all of us.

Q7. What’s on the horizon for Shots Fired—more new music, shows, etc.? 
The future looks better than ever for Shots Fired. For instance, we will soon play at a two-day festival on 'female violence day' together with big names like COBRASPELL and GIRLSCHOOL. They are all role models for us. Sharing the stage with such legends is a dream come true! Bookings are going very well, we will be releasing more of our recordings during the year, and we are working on some new stuff. Soon we will announce another important festival. And hopefully, by the summer of 2024, we can also play at the typical Belgian one-day festivals. Or, who knows, even across Europe. 
So people will learn more about our music, and hopefully we will see them at our shows.

Pre-save links:
DARK ROAD (release 14th feb): 
UNBREAKABLE:  (release 13th mar): 


