Answered by Louis Hardy

Q1. For our readers who aren’t familiar with you, could you please provide some background on the band: where you’re from, when and how you formed, etc.

Bodyweb is a Leeds based band of 4 people. None of us are actually from Leeds but we've all been here for some years now playing in various bands for the past decade. The idea of the band was sparked from a combination of some unusual factors - Me leaving Higher Power for a while and having a thirst for something new, the desire to tell a story with words more than strings, and a lot of personal experiences. Primarily - it was me unravelling mentally and trying to document a lot of it through sound. I didn't realise at the time but I was essentially writing songs to help me make sense of what I was going through in my own life. 

Ben and I developed and created the record together and then my close friend Pete Jones from Nihiloxica came in at the end to lay down some more electronic stuff. We jammed with a few different bass players and I'd tried to find a guitar player I trusted for ages but ultimately decided to play guitar myself. Ethan joined at the end. We play in Higher Power together so it was easy to bring him in as the chemistry was already there.


Q2. What are some of the influences on Bodyweb?

There's a lot to unpack I guess. A lot of heavy 2000's stuff obviously. Some Jungle and DNB: Source Direct, Metalheadz etc... I played guitar for Vein.FM on a tour the year prior and they introduced me to a lot of sick music that really inspired me but I'll keep that concealed. I listened to shit like xxxtentacion and Yung Lean even. Just anything that made me feel sad. I would listen to Diamanda Galas - 'Wild Women With Steak Knives' on repeat in a dark room over and over just to put myself in a fucked up headspace. I was just tryna consume sad and dark media of all forms. Anime, movies, opera, plays, anything really. It was less of a sonic thing and more of an emotional thing. Building a collage of feelings.


Q3. train_wreck_simulation was released by Northern Unrest—how did that relationship come about?

There's been a real tight link with Leeds and Scotland for tiiime. Those 2 scenes are like a big family. I love all the releases that they've put out already and I trust their creative vision. Ben Brodie is a mad man and we have a real similar work ethic and mentality so I felt quite understood by him. When the record was nearly finished I approached them and they were super down. I couldn't be more grateful that they liked it. It felt like asking someone out on a date and wondering if they were gonna say yes or not.


Q4. What can the listener who hasn’t listened to the EP expect, not just sonically but the themes you explore?

I think it would do the songs an injustice give the listener a list of potential side effects. Instead I would prescribe an open mind. Empty your head of any pre-conceived ideas. Open your spirit. Walk through the park or sit in your room, meditate if you have to. Make sure your mind is truly open then put it on and reeeally listen to it. Decide for yourself what you think it means and how it makes you feel. Hate it, love it, do whatever. Just decide for yourself.

Q5. Dream lineup: what artists would you most want to share the stage with that you have not had the opportunity to?

City Morgue, Loathe, Fleshwater, Show Me The Body, Yung Lean, even Bjork if she's down haha.


Q6. What are some of the best/most memorable shows and/or tours you’ve been a part of?

We just got off the back of a tour with Static Dress and World of Pleasure that was sick. Bristol was fucked, we'd just been to the Christmas market and eaten so much crazy shit and then got to stage just before we played all bloated and fucked up without warming up or anything and then jumped on stage and the whole room was going crazy. We'd never played there before so it was insane to get that kind of reaction. Shout out Bristol!


Q7. Who else in the scene should we be paying attention to?

I guess it depends which scene!

Hardcore - every single band that Northern Unrest is putting out

Metalcore - Killing Me Softly

Other - Carecharmer

All our other projects - Higher Power, Pest Control, Nihiloxica, Louis XO, Fate, Big Cheese, PQ etc...


Q8. What does the future hold for Bodyweb—shows/tours, new music, etc.?

Only the future knows what the future holds. If I could interview the future and ask it myself I would my brother. Hopefully something sick.


