Q1. For readers who might not be familiar with you, could you provide some background on the band—where you're from, when you formed, etc.?

Hey, we’re Poppy Wizard from Düsseldorf and Cologne, Germany! The band was formed in mid-2021 as a two-piece, with Lukas (guitar) and me (Henne, guitar/vocals). In 2023, we finally completed our lineup by bringing in our longtime friends Phil (drums) and Robin (bass).

Q2. Who are some of the band’s primary influences?

Our influences are pretty broad, ranging from ‘90s and early-to-mid 2000s grunge and shoegaze bands like Slowdive, Superheaven, Pity Sex and Narrow Head. On the other hand, we all have roots in the hardcore scene (fun fact: Poppy Wizard originally started as a hardcore band). That influence is still present in some of our riffs or the more shouted vocal parts. There are also other genre influences, like alternative rock, and a bit of emo mixed in.

 Q3. What made you fall in love with music and want to pursue it in the way that you have?

We started playing in different bands from a young age and have been pursuing music in some form ever since. I think we all got introduced to the local hardcore and punk scene during our teenage years, and from that point on, we wanted to be part of it and create something we love. Many of our friends are musicians, so we’re always surrounded by creative people, which has been a huge source of inspiration for our own creativity. 

Q4. What was the writing and recording process for the recent EP like? Were there any themes or sounds you wanted to explore? How has the reception been?

The writing process started in 2021 and progressed pretty slowly. Lukas and I mostly met in our rehearsal space during the pandemic, taking our time to discover the sound we wanted. Initially, we set out to write hardcore songs, but the music naturally evolved into a more melodic direction, and we embraced that vibe. We wrote a bunch of songs, and once Robin and Phil joined, we finalized the instrumentals with all four of us contributing, which really added the final touch of magic. Lyrically, we don’t focus on specific themes. Lukas and I wrote the lyrics separately and then refined them together. For me, songwriting often begins with a random sentence that pops into my head—sometimes while I’m asleep or in the most unexpected moments. From there, the lyrics evolve, sometimes metaphorical, sometimes straightforward, depending on how I feel. We mostly write about personal struggles with navigating the world, relationships, and mental health, but we don’t necessarily offer solutions—our music is more of an outlet to process those experiences. We’re really happy with the positive reception so far. It’s been great to see people enjoying the music we love to make and share. 

Q5. Is there one song in particular you would point to and say this is “quintessential Poppy Wizard”?

 For me, it would have to be "Lately I've Been Caught Up." It captures all the little elements that define Poppy Wizard. The songwriting and sound go through different phases and emotional shifts, yet each instrument remains simple, which is a key part of our approach—don’t overcomplicate it! The lyrics were written 50/50 by Lukas and me, and you can sense our minimalist approach, especially with the repetition of vocal lines. 

Q6. What are some of your touring highlights or most memorable shows you’ve been a part of?

We’ve had several memorable moments from the few shows we’ve played so far. For me, one of the highlights was our Cologne show with Hippie Trim. It was our first hometown gig, and having all our friends there partying with us made it really special! Another big highlight was our first three shows in Austria with our good friends from Trauma Glow. It was a great way to kick off our live performances. 

Q7. What are your plans for the near future—shows/touring, more music, etc.?

Our next show will be on October 26th in Bochum, where we’ll be opening for Sport. We’re also planning a short three-day tour from November 8th to 10th, which we’ll announce soon. Right now, we’re already back in the recording process for a three-song promo we plan to release by the end of the year. We’re also hoping to play in a few European countries next year—so stay tuned and hit us up if you want us to play in your city!


