Q1. For readers who might not be familiar with you, would you please provide some background on yourself—where you’re from, when you formed, etc.?

Hello everyone, thank you very much for this interview. We are PYRECULT, a blackened hardcore band from Paris, France. The band consists of five members from different backgrounds but united by the same passion for dark and violent music. All members have significant experience in music, having played in bands like MPO, SPITFIGHT, PROVIDENCE, and HEXIS.

Formed in 2013, the band has undergone several lineup changes, which have brought a wide range of influences, approaches, and perspectives, ensuring constant evolution over the years. To date, we have released two EPs, and a new one is just out on KNIVES OUT RECORDS, after a pretty long hiatus due to personal reasons.


Q2. Who are some of your primary influences?

Even if we all listen to a wide range of music genres, our main influences can be grouped into two main categories: hardcore punk and black metal. For the former, we draw inspiration from 90s/2000s metal hardcore and crossover bands like KICKBACK, ALL OUT WAR, ARKANGEL, REPRISAL, DENIED NYC, and INTEGRITY, as well as more contemporary acts such as ALL PIGS MUST DIE, YOUNG AND IN THE WAY, WITHDRAWAL, XIBALBA, NAILS, or QUEENSWAY.
As for black metal, we’re heavily influenced by Scandinavian bands from the second wave of black metal, including IMMORTAL, DARKTHRONE, GORGOROTH, WATAIN, and ABORYM.

Q3. Talk to us about the new EP Voluntary Serfdom: what was the writing and recording process like, what themes and sounds do you explore on the record, etc.?

Ilhan (bass) and I (Cédric – vocals) began writing Voluntary Serfdom at the end of 2022, just the two of us, as the band was on hiatus. Our goal was to retain the fundamental soul of the band but lean more toward hardcore than black metal this time. We were the only active members at the time and worked discreetly. This made the writing process very intuitive and natural. Once we had enough material to consider returning to the studio and to the scene, we started searching for a solid team. In the summer of 2023, we recruited Quentin (drums), Baptiste (guitar), and Benoît (guitar).

We recorded in various studios in Paris, and for mixing and mastering, we collaborated with Pete Grossmann and Andy Nelson at BRICKTOP Studio in Chicago. For the artwork, we once again called upon an artist we adore, Szymon Seich (VBRRTRD), who created the artworks for our previous two EPs and has also worked for BLIND TO FAITH, HOMEWRECKER, and NOISEM, just to name a few.


Q4. The EP is being released by Knives Out—can you provide some detail on the label and how that relationship came about?

We’ve known Johan from KNIVES OUT RECORDS (KOR) for years and have stayed in close contact throughout his various activities. He loved the EP right away, and for us, signing with him was a natural choice, both from a production and human perspective.

On a personal note (Cédric), Johan was the first person I met in the Parisian scene before I even moved there to live here. I met many people through him, so I’m especially grateful to him! After being the frontman of the Parisian band PROVIDENCE, he launched his label, KOR.

For readers unfamiliar with KNIVES OUT, it’s an independent extreme music label (mainly punk/hardcore) formed more than 10 years ago and based in Paris. They specialize in deluxe collector’s editions (CD, cassette, picture LP), with incredible packaging featuring laser engraving, custom cuts, and other surprising elements.

Q5. Is there one song you’d highlight as the best introduction to Pyrecult and why?

As I mentioned earlier, each EP represents a specific era and lineup of PYRECULT. Therefore, it seems relevant to examine each of the three EPs to understand their atmosphere. However, to play the game and answer your question, I’d mention the song “Death Conquers” off the second EP “Obedience”. This track, (which might be my favorite) in my opinion, faithfully represents what we try to inject into our writing. It’s also a fan favorite when we play it live so….


Q6. Talk to us a little about the Parisian hardcore scene or perhaps zooming out a little, other bands in France or beyond we should be paying attention to.

Thank you for this question and for giving us the opportunity to shine a light on the current Parisian scene and its incredible energy! After some challenging years when it was hard to gather even 50 people at shows we organized (even for great international bands on tour), and after seeing many of our favorite venues close due to political and countercultural reasons—not to mention the lockdown period we’d rather not dwell on—the Parisian scene is more alive and dynamic than ever. Shows happen by the dozen, the audience is present, and high-quality bands keep emerging, releasing records, merch and touring!

We can’t help but promote our amazing friends in Parisian bands like CALCINE, TAKE IT IN BLOOD, COLD DECAY, SORCERER, CORRUPTION PACT, HEADBUSSA, WORST DOUBT, CAVALERIE, GLASSBONE, RECLAIMED and DEVIANT. Trust us and check out all these fantastic groups ASAP.

If you want to capture the true essence of this new scene, we highly recommend the excellent video documentary FRENCH PUNK HARDCORE: FLAME STILL BURNS by Clara Griot. It documents the recent rebirth of this scene, and how things are going nowadays.

However, just talking about the active bands doesn’t fully illustrate the current strength of the Parisian scene. We also want to give a big shout-out to all the local promoters, labels, and other concert organizers, such as: PARIS HARDCORE SHOWS, EIFFEL ASSAULT SHOWS, ARAK ASSO, SUDDEN PROMOTION, DELIVRANCE RECORDS, MALLEVS RECORDS, BORN DEAD COLLECTIVE, and DOMINION SHOWS.


Q7. Do you have any touring plans in support of the EP’s release and if so, what are they?

Yes, absolutely. Alongside several shows here and there in France, we’re currently finalizing the organization of our European promo tour.

Here’s the schedule so far:

  • 11/01Tours (Fr)

  • 12/01 Paris (Fr)

  • 30/01 Metz (Fr)

  • 31/01 Nuremberg (Ger)

  • 01/02 Berlin (Ger)

  • 02/02 Gdansk (Pl)

  • 03/02 Lodz (Pl)

  • 04/02 Ostrava (Cz)

  • 05/02 Prague (Cz)

  • 06/02 Need help

  • 07/02 Zurich (Ch)

  • 08/02 Troyes (Fr)

  • 22/06 Hellfest, Clisson (Fr)

Q8. Any parting words for the readers?

Thank you so much for your support and for listening to us. We’ll be coming to your area very soon. Come see us, talk with us, support your local scenes, buy records and merch and live your passion every day like we do—we need you!


