Photographer credit @adeleshotme

Q1. For readers who may not be familiar with you, could you please provide some background on who you are, where you’re from, what got you into music, etc.?

I’m PENI PARKER, an alt rock artist from Gadigal land NSW. I really enjoy blending my favourite sub-genres, stealing elements from pop rock, punk and emo. My work is heavily inspired by pop culture and politics, growing up I always had a lot to say & enjoyed using music as a tool to get my anger out.

Q2. This is a fun question I asked Ebonie from Metal & Coffee and I’m curious as to what your answer will be: Ignoring the obvious logistical issues with how you’d actually listen to them, for the sake of the exercise, if you were stranded on a desert island and could only have five albums with you, what would they be and why?

+ My chemical romance - Danger Days,

but would love to bring along every MCR album.

+ The Pretty Reckless- Light me up

+ Stray Kids - Rockstar

+ One ok rock - 35xxxv

+ Avril Lavigne - let go

Think that’s the perfect combination of emotions to deal with being deserted on an island, So hard to pick though, tomorrow I’d probably say the Used discography and Nova twins.

Q3. Tell us about the new single!

The next single Curse is actually my first collaboration, Bunny is a talented Japanese producer/writer & hit me up to do an anime inspired track. He’s very much inspired by BMTH, Enter Shikari, Poppy so it’s a bit heavier than my normal songs. Curse it’s out 28th of February, i can’t wait for everyone to hear it, I’ve had so much fun creating lots of dorky AMV edits for it.

Q4. How would you say your sound has evolved from the beginning to now? Are there other sonic directions you’re planning on exploring or is it more a “take it as it comes” sort of thing?

Think I’ve just matured & found what works for my voice instead of fighting it. I always wanted to sound thrashy & punk but my voice just doesn’t suit that, so I started exploring different sub-genres to find something that makes more sense for me & found a happy balance.

In the future I’m definitely taking it as comes sonically and just letting it evolve, I would love to try some more girly pop tracks but also some heavier ones.. i like the duality there haha

Q5. How does your album art and aesthetic intersect with your band name? It feels like entering into your own comic book universe.

Yeaa that’s the intention, each body of work will come with a comic to dive into the world a little more. I’ve always loved comics & anime so wanted to incorporate that, with my own spin. The project is very alter ego like, and I try create a safe space where the crowd can escape & turn up as whatever version of themselves that they want to be that night. Try new looks or even names in a non-judgemental supportive space 🍓

Q6. Are there any over-arching themes you explore with your music, and how does the music communicate them?

I tend to base most of my work around what makes me angry or sad, so a-lot of political themes & life events. I’m terrible at writing positive uplifting songs but it’s definitely something I want to try more.

Q7. Who are some other artists we should be paying attention to?

I actually sent a recommendation list to my friend the other day which included

From AUS, Grenade Jumper & Redhook

From the UK, Bex & Crashface

From Japan, CVLTE & Paledusk

From Korea, Dreamcatcher & Rolling Quartz

Q8. What are some of the most memorable shows you’ve played or tours you’ve been on?

Playing with Enter Shikari and Against the Current last year was incredible, both bands are such seasoned pros.. was inspiring for sure.

Supporting WAAX was actually my favourite crowd by far though, they were so welcoming and just gave me so much energy back which made my heart explode!!

Q9. What is the most rewarding part of making music? What is the most challenging?

I love when people connect with a song or a visual that I create & get inspired in their own way. I’ve had gorgeous humans create their outfit around a song or a dance routine.. that’s so badass!

The costttt is the most challenging.. As an independent artist I haate missing opportunities when cost is the only barrier. I’d love to be dropping songs regularly and say yes to each tour but it’s just me funding the project so I just have to be patient & realistic sometimes.. much to my disappointment haha trying to match up a working class wage with big dreams!

Q10. So what’s on the horizon for Peni Parker?

Fingers crossed for more shows, more music, more collaborations & more comics!

Photographer credit @adeleshotme


