Q1. If our readers are not familiar with you, would you please provide some background on the band—where you’re from, when you formed, etc.?

We started in 2016, because we missed the primitive 80’s hardcore sound in The Netherlands. There was a big Metalcore and modern hardcore scene in our region, so we felt it was time for something different.


Q2. How would you describe Pressure Pact’s sound?

This is what Ben Marshall from Maximum Rock’n’roll had to say about our sound:

‘’It’s a frantic mess of ferociously barked vocals, creepy-crawl riffs, and a rhythm section as taut as you like. It’ll bore straight through your skull and give your chimp brain a tickle; you’ll be unlocking your inner Neanderthal and sticking your head through a brick wall by track three. An abso-bloody-lute belter.’’


Q3. What are some of Pressure Pact’s influences?

It’s a combination of classic 80’s hardcore bands from SSD to Heresy in combination with modern bands like Boston Strangler and the British NWOBHC bands like Violent Reaction, The Flex and Arms Race.


Q4. What made you want to pursue making music?

We all knew each other from previous bands and wanted to start something new. We shared the same vision and we became a band and really good friends rather smoothly.


Q5. What would you say is the most challenging part of being in a band and what is the most rewarding?

The most challenging part has to be combining everything with our regular jobs. Being on time for shows during the week, booking time in the studio or even plan tours.


Q6. What are some of the most memorable shows you’ve played and/or tours you’ve been on?

Without a doubt our tour in Japan with Crucial Section. It was such an honour to be invited. We played with so many amazing Japanese bands and the people we met were all so kind and generous. We will never forget the amazing time we had over there.

Opening for Turnstile in Cologne must have been one of the most surreal shows we have played. A sold out Palladium thinking Turnstile would start and instead hearing Len yell ‘’We are not Turnstile, we are Pressure Pact’’ in a combination of Dutch and German was the perfect start of our set.


Q7. What’s on the horizon for Pressure Pact—new music, shows/tours, etc.?

We have a 7’’ recorded which we were meant to release last year, but didn’t happen yet. We recently got into contact with Mendeku Diskak and they are able to release the 7’ very quickly, so we are really stoked about that!

We took a break from playing a lot of shows in the next couple of months so we can focus on writing songs so we can record a new 12’’, because it’s been a while.

Hiro (singer of Crucial Section) asked us to return to Japan together with The Breed for another tour in Japan this year. We can’t say no to that, so we really hope we can make it happen!



